> Now that Fall is coming, starting to fire up the temporal textures discussions, and to plan for milestone events in Fall and Spring. Don't know about Winter... any ideas on what you'd like for midway lilypads? I hope to map out some workshops to bring some TML folks back to UC Berkeley this coming year. Maybe you'd be interested in the larger May events, ie part of Wymore's Dance Tech symposium, but presenting more provocative work like phenomenology time or presence consciousness cir lighting induced temporal textures, working with dancers. what would you think of linking the October workshop on psychology and architecture with Drs. Helga Wild and Linnaea Tillett with the May events, en route to Einsteins Dreams as a local shaping theme, but open to a cone of possibilities. "Texture" should remind us that time does not have to be modeled on a unidimensional path, -- though all our software tools for time-based media assume this! it's not at all clear to me where that leads, yet. Any thoughts to start? Mine are informed by (1) Maturana & Varela appendix to essay 2; (2) notion of spacelike hypersurface in general relativity; (3) harmony and texture in music; (4) the poetic figure of exfoltiation from Christopher Alexander, and Le Pli...and some more stuff. Lefebvre RHythmanalysis which we read in the Alexander & architecture reading group 3 4 years ago, is suggestive but not maybe productive enough? I don't know -- Erik Conrad knew it well. eg. I've been discussing generated time -- with Marek here. His model is a very clever approach to quantizing spacetime, but I am looking for a more textural, measure-theoretic approach that discovers temporal rhythm out of live movement, live processes.
Speaking of live process, please tell me what you think would be useful as guiding questions / themes/ curiosities for initial materials explorations. For my part, I propose to contribute some performance workshop scenarios from Einsteins Dreams. Id like to ask Michael as well as David Morris when we're all back in Montreal, if we might recruit some people to workshop this together with what lighting or activated materials we gather. Not only those people of course, and we can rapidly go through a bunch of other scenarios... to the limits of what can be done of course. What do you think ? Xin Wei PS Morgan and Michael are familiar with some of this already.
I'd like to share this with Linnaea and Helga if that's ok, And Navid for sophisticated, richer texturing.
Speaking of live process, please tell me what you think would be useful as guiding questions / themes/ curiosities for initial materials explorations. For my part, I propose to contribute some performance workshop scenarios from Einsteins Dreams. Id like to ask Michael as well as David Morris when we're all back in Montreal, if we might recruit some people to workshop this together with what lighting or activated materials we gather. Not only those people of course, and we can rapidly go through a bunch of other scenarios... to the limits of what can be done of course. What do you think ? Xin Wei PS Morgan and Michael are familiar with some of this already.
I'd like to share this with Linnaea and Helga if that's ok, And Navid for sophisticated, richer texturing.