Heartbot, Pulse Park, MacCallum+Naccarato (CNMAT, IRCAM) "Heart rate data from contemporary dancers"

(1) Heart Bot Turns Heartbeats Into Personalized Illustrations


Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Pulse Park (2008)

Madison Square Garden, NYC

(3) BUT John MacCallum and Teoma Naccarato’s challenge is subtler:

Project Title: "Heart rate data from contemporary dancers"
 The composer John MacCallum and choreographer Teoma Naccarato propose a collaborative project that examines the use of real-time, heart rate data from contemporary dancers to drive a polytemporal composition for instrumental ensemble with live electronics.
During our residency, we will:

  1. develop and expand robust software tools that facilitate the composition and performance of polytemporal work, in which tempos are driven by real-time interaction—in the case of our project, heart rates of dancers, and
  2. examine strategies for heart rate manipulation via internal and external stimuli, including entrainment between bodily processes and music.

Designing a facile environment within which to explore this type of compositional and performative complexity will bring together a number of current research interests at IRCAM including recent developments in Antescofo, OpenMusic, and gesture following, as well as extensive work on polytemporal music conducted by MacCallum at CNMAT.

In collaboration with Musical Representations Teams as part of the EFFICAC Project