For those of you in Quebec, stay tuned for
International Festival of Films on Art
premièrein Montreal March 15
and the
the theatrical release April 6!World
Beyond Paper (English trailer) | Au-delà du papier (trailer français)
Beyond Paper
2022 | 2 h 10 min
At a critical moment in the history of the written word, as humanity’s archives migrate to the cloud, one filmmaker goes on a journey around the globe to better understand how she can preserve her own Romanian and Armenian heritage, as well as our collective
memory. Blending the intellectual with the poetic, she embarks on a personal quest with universal resonance, navigating the continuum between paper and digital—and reminding us that human knowledge is above all an affair of the soul and the spirit.
2022 | 2 h 10 min
À un moment charnière de l’histoire de l’écrit, où les archives de l’humanité migrent vers l’infonuagique, une cinéaste entreprend un périple à travers la planète pour mieux comprendre comment préserver son propre patrimoine, roumain et arménien, mais aussi
notre mémoire collective. Mêlant intellect et poésie, sa quête personnelle aux accents universels parcourt le continuum entre papier et numérique, nous rappelant que la connaissance humaine est avant tout affaire d’âme et d’esprit.
Sha Xin Wei | Professor Arts,
Media and Engineering | Director Synthesis | Complex
Adaptive Systems | Global
Futures Lab | ASU
Professor European
Graduate School | Associate Editor AI
& Society Journal
Founding Director Topological
Media Lab |
Weightless Studio